What is Multi-Tenancy Learning Management System?

  • The ability to create Companies which sit on top of Moodle providinMulti-tenancyg a space where users and courses can be assigned. These companies are kept separate on the Moodle site which means that they can have their own branding and the users from one company won’t see the users from another.






Main Features.

  • Client companies can easily be created and defined.iomad dashboard
  • Allow Company Manager to define users, assign courses to staff and track performance.
  • Courses ‘belong’ to a company or can be shared between selected companies or can be shared across all companies.
  • Companies can be given a hierarchical structure with users and managers assigned at different levels in the hierarchy.
  • Face to face (training) event activity can be set up for companies.
  • Ecommerce ability to create a shopping cart consumer experience for purchasing access to courses.
  • Licensing, site administrator can create a license for a company to allow access to one or more courses.
  • Reporting, company managers can control and obtain detailed reporting from users in their own company.